Cardio Dental is pleased to announce its new international seminar with the following topics:
1. The use of Blood derivatives, Botox & Hyaluronic acid in facial aesthetics, in collaboration with Dr. Gliarmi Eleftheria.
2. The use of blood derivatives in dentistry, in collaboration with Dr. Karampinis Triantafyllos.
∗Dr. Gliarmi, in addition to facial aesthetics, will explain how botox is used to correct gummy smiles and treat bruxism.
Dr. Gliarmi is one of the world’s most renowned doctors in Aesthetic Medicine & Facial Aesthetic Therapy. She is a graduate of ‘CAROL DAVILA’ School of Medicine, trained in Laparoscopic Surgery by the European Society of Endoscopic Surgery and other Interventional Techniques B’ Surgery Clinic of the University of Athens. Her Master’s degree is specialized in the Administration of services and health units of the University of Cyprus ‘Frederick’ & finally she holds a PhD from the National & Kapodistrian University of Athens. Dissertation Title: Study of oxidative stress in graded surgical stress. She is widely involved as a teacher in seminars around the world. Examples are listed below:
WADE (World Academy of Dental Education), USA
Young’s Dental, California – USA
Sunray, Turkey
Taiwan, China, India, Korea, Bulgaria, etc.
-Karampinis Triantafyllos was born in 1979.
-He is a graduate of the dental technical school ATEI of Athens.
-He has worked as a dental technician in various prosthetic dental laboratories as well as in the orthodontic laboratory of IKA Kalamaria.
-After the dental technical school, he graduated from the Dental School of Thessaloniki.
-He has attended two postgraduate programs in implantology, of a total duration of three years, in Athens and in Italy.
-He works as an implantologist in various dental clinics.
-He is a graduate of the ASPAITE school, specializing in teaching medical and dental courses.
Arrival time: 09:00
Date: Saturday: 28/1/2023
09.00-10.30: The theory behind PRF – CGF – PRP. Protocols for Preparation of Blood Derivatives in Dentistry. What is Albumin? What are Cold Blood Derivatives? Uses in Dentistry. Differences of PRF – CGF – PRP.
10.30-10.45: Coffee break
10.45-12.15: Introduction – LPCGF theory.
12.15-12.30: Coffee break
12.30-14.15: Demonstration and practice of LPCGF (blood collection, cell separation, facial mesotherapy).
14.15-15.15: Lunch Break
15.15-16.45: APAG – ICF theory.
16.45-17.00: Coffee break
17.00-18.45: Demonstration and practice of APAG and ICF (how autologous fillers and ICF are prepared, application methods – nasolabial folds correction, lips augmentation)
Date: Sunday: 29/1/2023
09.00-10.00: Hair regeneration with LPCGF and demonstration.
10.00-10.15: Coffee break
10.15-11.30: Botox theory. How botox is used to correct gummy smiles and treat bruxism.
11.30-11.45: Coffee break
11.45-13.00: Botox demonstration and practice
13.00-13.30: Lunch Break
13.30-15.00: Hyaluronic Acid theory.
13.30-15.00: Demonstration and practice of HA on nasolabial, corner of mouth, contour, cheekbones.
– At the end of the seminar, you will be given notes on the use of Blood Derivatives, Botox & Hyaluronic Acid in Facial Aesthetics, by Dr. Gliarmi. Also, all protocols for blood derivatives in Dentistry will be given to you in electronic form.
– The cost of participation/person is €800 + VAT.
– An official certificate of attendance will be given by the scientific company of the “Cardio Dental Academy”.